And as a special treat, if you’re in the Realmscapes group, you can purchase the avatar for $500L,  but you can only get it at that price if you buy it from our special sale vendor in Therianation near the telehub!  Remember to have your Realmscapes  title on when you try to buy it.  That’s $1000L cheaper than the regular price!

I don’t have it up on the Marketplace yet, as SL’s website was having some issues last night, they might have been doing maintenance.  I’ll try to upload it again today.

Written on October 20th, 2012 , Avatars

It’s almost done! Working on the website for it now (There’s probably some mistakes but you can get some basic info about it from here).

We’re still testing it, and I’m currently working on the box, which should have a fun little animation to go with it when you put it on!

Written on October 19th, 2012 , Uncategorized

It still needs to be scripted for color changing, and currently the right and left legs are perfect mirrors, which I don’t think is appropriate for an undead wolf with random .. meat…showing.   Anyway, just thought this would make a neat pic of it.

Written on October 14th, 2012 , Avatars, In Progress Builds

Though I’m rushing this avatar, I’m worried there might be some issues.  SL is pretty notorious  for doing weird things like undoing stuff you fixed (really really likes to do this with textures, which includes sculpty textures).  But hopefully we’ll work out the bugs before the avatar goes out into the wild.

Currently there are three recolorable areas: Bone, Fur , and Glow.  Unlike the Wilds wolf, this one will only come with one texture set, which is recolorable via the HUD.  It will have the Wild Wolf’s AO.   I’m still thinking about doing a ‘snarl’ but that will only have some muscle textures on it, and actually it might take away from the cool skeletal face so I’m not really sure if I’ll do that.  Because this avatar will not have as many features as the Wild Wolf, it will be selling for less.  We have not decided on a price as of yet, or if this avatar will only be available until Halloween.

I still have to do the left legs, so don’t worry, those won’t come ‘missing’ with the avatar unless we do something extremely incompetent.  … We hope we won’t.

Written on October 12th, 2012 , Avatars, In Progress Builds

Since I could put this avatar together with the previous Wild Wolf build, as well as scavaging parts from Shadowed Soul, I’ve managed to do about a month’s worth of work in 1 day.  Not bad. Wish I could plow through other avatars like this one.

Written on October 10th, 2012 , Uncategorized

So, Halloween is coming up and I got to thinking about how cool it would be to make like a ghostly/spectral Dire Wolf. But I knew I wouldn’t have time to make it before Halloween. But I thought having an undead wolf would still be really cool.  While I was working on the tiger, I got to thinking about how I built Shadowed Soul last year (Kind of a avatar waiting on the backburner). So I got the idea last night to scavenge the parts off the Shadowed Soul (Ironic, isn’t it?) and use it on the Wild Wolf avatar.  The result?  Well. Let’s just say I’m really hoping to get it finished in a week.

One of the cool things, that you can’t really see in this pic, is that it has a ‘stone heart,’ the magic keeping it alive, and the heart beats!


Written on October 10th, 2012 , Uncategorized

I finally finished the fourth and final texture set tonight.  I also did some minor adjustments to the build.  And I still need to put in the tail rotations  for the tail’s script.  Now that  the texture packs are done, I need to put them in the scripts for the parts.  Once that’s done, the HUD needs an overhaul (Still has the wolf pics on it).  After that, we get to start testing! I hope to start testing sometime this week.

Written on October 7th, 2012 , Uncategorized

Just finished the Golden Tabby Texture set.  The one behind it is just a copy that will become the 4th non-recolorable texture set.  I think I’ll be going with a maltese tiger that’s modeled after the same general scheme as the Golden Tabby (Blueish grey with  darker grey stripes.

Hopefully the textures will be done this weekend.

Written on October 6th, 2012 , Uncategorized

So I was working on this one all Sunday night.  I redid the stripes on all the parts except the neck. The neck has some line-up issues  and it was really really hard for me to get it just right on the orange, so I left the same stripe pattern as the orange and recolorable tigers.  However, I didn’t want this to just be a white tiger with black stripes, so I’ve added some grey here and there, such as on the face and on the back.  The stripes themselves aren’t black, but a brown.  The model tigers that I used didn’t have very many stripes at all on the chest around the arms, so I decided to stick with  that just to differentiate it from the other texture packs.  I took a comparison shot of the white and orange side by side so people could see the differences in texture.

Unfortunately I didn’t have time to finish the tail. That’ll be the first thing I do tomorrow, and then I’ll start working on the Golden Tabby tiger.  Still up in the air about the 4th one.  I really think a silver tiger with slightly darker silver stripes might be a good one to consider.


Written on October 1st, 2012 , Avatars, In Progress Builds, Uncategorized

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