Actually I have a few avatars that I’m working on concurrently.  (I guess I have some kind of avatar creation ADD as it’s hard for me to focus on one for very long these days, but I can switch to work on another one just fine somehow).

Anyway, you only get three guesses to figure this one out!


Written on April 18th, 2013 , Avatars, In Progress Builds

We’ll be celebrating the release of this new avatar in Rocket City April 13th at 7pm SLT!  Feel free to come out and join us, and you’ll have the chance to win an avatar!

The Avatars are currently available in our stores in Second Life, and will be available on the Marketplace shortly.


Written on April 13th, 2013 , Uncategorized

I’ve been working on these avatars for the past couple of months and they’re almost ready to go!  However I was showing some of the headshots to a couple of friends and the idea came up to try to make all the expressions in the Essential Expressions meme.  These images are nothing more than  screenshots of the avatar in game – with no extra sculpties, animations or scripting or anything of the like. This is the stock avatar as it comes.  It was sitting on a posing stand that keeps the head still, though for Triumph the arm is up because I was editing the backdrop at the time and it seemed appropriate.  Either way, we put a lot of work into making our avatars expressive and I think this really shows the potential of the avatar.

This avatar should be available in the next few days.

Written on April 11th, 2013 , Uncategorized

We found a minor bug in the HUD of the KC Housecat.  Any avatar with the box named KCKaetifV1CatPointed will be affected.  This bug is in regard to the pupils of the cat’s eyes on the HUD do not change in size as you use the slider. The button still changes the eye pupil size on the avatar itself, but not on the HUD.  This was the only part that was changed for this update, so if you have modified your avatar at all, all you need to do is replace your HUD.

The update is free and you can use your avatar’s update button to get the new version.  You can find the update button on the HUD -> About Tab.

Written on April 10th, 2013 , Avatars, Issues and Fixes

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The WereHouse Avatars

We'll Make An Animal Out Of You.