The WereHouse Werewolf (v. 3.0) is our most advanced Second Life® avatar as of its release in Oct 2010.  It comes with a sophisticated Head's Up Display Animation Overrider (HUDAO) that controls most of the functions of the Avatars within easy reach of the user.

The WereHouse has strived to offer up many customization options, including the HUD, Chat commands, Gesture creation, and Manual Editing.  If you would like to see more specific information of what the avatar can do, please check our User Manual section.

So let's start with the visuals. The WereHouse Werewolf avatar comes with 5 built-in texture packs: Timber, Prairie, Arctic, Black Phase and a Recolorable Texture set.  This means that you can choose between four pre-made 'realistic' texture sets, and one made specifically to allow you to recolor it via the HUD, chat commands, or manually. 

The Werewolf is also built to accept third party texture packs. That means if a person makes their own texture set and wishes to sell it or give it away to WereHouse Werewolf avatar owners, they can seamlessly add it to the Avatar without having to go through us.  Placeholder buttons are available on the Werewolf's HUD to access newly added texture packs, or via command line.

Now let's talk functionality. The Werewolf has an AO (Animation Overrider) that helps the werewolf act and function like a werewolf. The AO Has two settings: Biped and Quadruped mode.  The HUD itself has some other animations on it, such as howling and growling (With sound effects) and sitting/laying poses.

The HUD also has seven facial expressions available, including snarling and panting.  It also has controls for the Ears and Tail.  The Ear toggles allow you to set up the ears to move around randomly, flick on 'touch', or be forced forward or pinned back.  The tail allows you to select an up or down position, three wagging speeds, and select between a flexi tail and a sculpted prim tail.

The avatar is fully modifiable. And unlike our other "Advanced" avatars, it has new scripting that will allow you resize any moving parts.  So you can make the nose longer, shorter, thinner, etc, and the facial expression functionality will still work.

And Finally, the Werewolf comes with a special PVP system for RPers or combat lovers.  Not only can one fight in solo PVP, but it also allows you to join "Packs" for Team PVP.

So a quick overview, the WereHouse Werewolf Avatar (v. 3.0) comes with the following:

•21 Facial Control Commands
•9 Eye Control Commands
•8 Jaw Control Commands
•13 Ear Control Commands
•13 Tail Control Commands
•13 Texture Control Commands
•9 Color Control Commands
•33 Animations
•5 Built in Texture Packs (Four realistic texture sets, one recolorable set)
•Biped and Quadruped Stances
•Built in Combat System
•Multifunctional HUDAO

Note: The WereHouse Werewolf V3 requires that you are using the latest version of the Second Life Viewer, or compatable viewers. The Werewolf avatar uses alpha layers and some scripted objects that require the updated viewers to work properly.

Table of Contents

• HUDAO Manual
   1. Base HUDAO
   2. HUDAO Tier 2
   3. Animations
   4. Colorizer
   5. Options

Chat Commands
1. Expressions
   2. Facial Commands
   3. Eye Control
   4. Jaw Control
   5. Ear Control
   6. Tail Control
   7. Textures
   8. Colorizer

   9. Adding Textures
   10. Making Texture Sets

Combat System


HUDAO Manual

1. Base HUDAO

The HUDAO is made up of three tiers. The main tier is always available, and attached to the lower right of the screen.  It can be attached to the lower left of the screen and still be available (Just mirrored of what is shown in this manual).

The first tier, or the Base HUDAO has five quick access buttons on it.  The Top button, which is the WereHouse Logo button, will have a landmark to our main store in Therianation, as well as a Notecard with a link to this Manual's URL.

The second button is a Biped/Quadruped toggle. It allows you to switch the stances between Bipedal motion and quadruped motion. Switching between these will cause a slight delay as the scripts must load the proper animation overrider of the stances.  The blue image of the werewolf will change to a quadruped image when when the quadruped stance is active.

The third button is the AO Power button. It will turn red when when it is off.

The fourth button is the AO Reset button. If any changes are made to the animation overrider, you'll want to click this button to make sure the changes go live.

And the fifth button is the "Show/Hide" button.  It doesn't hide the base AO, but brings up the second tier of the HUD which controls facial expressions, ear and tail positions, the eye glow option, and the buttons to bring up the third tier options.

2. HUDAO Tier 2

The Tier 2 section of the HUD is the second level shown after hitting the "Show" Button on the Base HUD.  The Tier 2 section has several of the quick facial function features on it, as well as links to the Tier 3 sections of the HUDAO.

The top button is the Eye Glow toggle.  This will turn the eye glow off and on. When it is activated, the button will turn green.

Following the Eye Glow button are Seven Facial Expression Buttons. None of these buttons affect sounds or animations. They only make the head and jaws work together to product those specific expressions: Normal, Snarl (jaw closed), Snarl (jaw opened), Razzing, Happy face, Panting and the "WTF" or quizzical expression.

After the facial expression buttons, we have the Ear position controls. This button just allows you to position the ears forward or pinned back. The image will change to show the ear back or forward depending on the setting.

The next set of buttons deal with the tail controls.  Tail up, and Tail Tuck buttons are the first of the Tail controls, and the arrows will turn green if either of those is active on the HUD.  After that are three tail wagging speeds, one being the slowest and three being the fastest. The number will turn green if they are selected to be active.

Following that, we have three buttons that bring up the Third Tier of the HUDAO.  The Animations button brings up some Animations that are HUD selectable, such as howls, growls, and laying down.

The Colorizer button allows you to select the texture on the avatar, recolor the Recolorable texture and eyes.

The Options button allows you turn certain features off and on, such as ear flicking, eye movement, etc.

We will now go into more detail for the third tier selections.

Animations:  The first subsection on the HUD is the Animation sections. These are animations that play outside of the AO itself, that you can start up just by clicking on the buttons.

The default animations available on the Werewolf avatar are: Biped Howl, Quadruped Howl, Crouching Snarl, Quadruped Snarl, Sleep, Relax and Sit.  We hope to have more animations available in the near future.

The howling and snarling animations come with sounds, and are also not toggle-on animations, in that they remain in that state for a set amount of time, and then resume the normal avatar behaviors (Depending on if the AO is off or on at the time.)  Sleep, Relax and Sit animations are toggled on and should be toggled off when the position is no longer wanted.

Colorizer: The most complex of the HUD tiers, the colorizer is what really allows you to customize the avatar to your desired look.  The colorizer is made up of different sections.

In the top left, you have the preset Color options for the recolorable texture. Note: Recoloring will not work if one of the realistic textures is selected. The recolorable texture is the top circle in the group on the bottom left of the HUD.  On the top right, you have the color picker. Between them, you have arrow buttons that will increase or decrease the amount of Red, Green or Blue in the color selection.  If you find a color that you really like, you can store the color by clicking on the "Store Colors" button, and then one of the moon-textured buttons above.

On the Color picture, you can click on the color spectrum in any location and it will display that color above with the vector available in hovertext. In the example image, this is shown as being pure blue <0.00, 0.00, 1.00>.

The Werewolf image in the center shows the werewolf with the recolorable sections outlined in black.  The Werewolf has the following recolorable sections: Body, Hair, Underside, Legs, Right Eye, Left Eye, and Paws.

When you choose a color for a recolorable area, you can apply it by clicking on one of the buttons on the bottom right of the HUD (e.g. "Everything," "Hair," "Body," "Right Eye," "Left Eye," etc.)  The locks are available next to each of the recolorable areas (Including the eyes) so that it will not be clickable for recoloring (and so you won't accidentally change it if you click on the wrong button).

The bottom left holds the texture packs. The one on the top is the Recolorable Texture.  Under that is the Timber Wolf texture, The Prairie Wolf texture, The Black Phase Wolf texture, and the Arctic Wolf texture.  The four 'logo' buttons next to those are blank placeholders put there so third party texture packs can be added and used by the HUD. The larger of the buttons is the texture pack application itself, and the smaller button is for the user to allow it to be used as a recolorable texture set.

Options:  The options menu allows you to easily toggle off/on certain settings available on the Avatar.  It has settings available related to Ear, Voice, Tail and Eye options.

Ear Options: 
Ear Move - Toggles off/on the random ear movement.
Touch Flick - Toggles off/on the flick-on-touch for other SL users. (Touch flick is always available to the avatar owner).
Type Move - Toggles off/on the Ears moving forward while typing.

Voice Options:
Type Talk - Toggles off/on the WereHouse Yakkity setting (Jaw movement on typing).
Voice Talk - Toggles off/on the WereHouse Yakkity setting for voice chatting. Note: For voice talk to work, one of the "WereHouse Voice" gestures that come with the avatar need to be active.

Tail Options:
Tail Toggle - Switches the tail between flexi-prims and Sculpted Prims.

Eye Options:
Eye Blink - Toggles off/on the random eye blinking.
Eye Move - Toggles off/on the random eye movement.

Chat Commands

All commands are on channel 53, that means they should all start with /53.  Commands are not case sensitive.

1.Expressions (affects head and jaw)
Normal - Puts the Avatar's facial expression in the normal, closed mouth appearance.
Happy - Makes a happy face :D
Snarl - Makes a closed-jaw snarl.
WTF - Makes a quizzical expression.
Razz - Sticks out the tongue with the mouth closed.
Pant - Makes the avatar take a panting gesture with squinting eyes and a flapping tongue.

2. Facial commands (affects only part of the head)
MuzzleClose - Puts the muzzle/nose in the regular closed mouth position.
MuzzleSnarl - Puts the muzzle/nose in the snarl position.
MuzzleSmile - Puts the muzzle/nose in the smiling position.
EyesOpen - Opens the eyes.
EyesMid - Puts the eyes in a squinting state.
EyesClose - Closes the eyes.
EyesWTF - Puts on the quizzical expression.
EyesSmile - Puts the eyes in an wide open happy expression.
EyesSnarl - Puts the eyes in an angry expression.
JawClose - Puts the jaw in the regular closed position.
JawOpen - Puts the jaw in the open position.
JawLoll - Puts the jaw in the open position with the tongue sticking out.
JawRazz - Puts the jaw in the closed position with the tongue sticking out.
JawPant - Puts the jaw in the open position with the tongue animated to pant.
JawSnarl - Puts the jaw in the closed position with the lips tightened to show the upper fangs.

3. Eye Control
EyeBlinkOn - Allows the eyes to blink randomly.
EyeBlinkOff -  Turns off the eye blinking.
EyeBlinkToggle - Toggles between the blinking and nonblinking states.
EyeMoveOn - Allows the eyes to look around randomly.
EyeMoveOff - Turns off the eye movement.
EyeMoveToggle - Toggles between the moving and nonmoving states.
EyeGlowOn - Turns on the glowing eyes.
EyeGlowOff - Turns off the glowing eyes.
EyeGlowToggle - Toggles between the glowing and nonglowing states.

4. Jaw Control - Werehouse Yakkity
VoiceTalkOn - Allows the jaw to move (Like talking) while using SL's voice chat.
VoiceTalkOff - Turns off jaw movement for voice chat.
VoiceTalkToggle - Toggles between the the voice chatting and nonchatting states.
TypeTalkOn - Allows the jaw to move (like talking) while typing on SL.
TypeTalkOff - Turns off the movement for typing.
TypeTalkToggle - Toggles between the type chatting and nonchatting states.
SubTypeTalkTime X -   Moves the jaw if the owner uses a subchannel, such as for talking through role playing items. X = number of seconds to move jaw. Set time to zero to disable.
SubTypeTalkChan X - Sets the channel for the Yakkity scripting to check.   (X = channel to listen to.)

5. Ear Control
LeftForward - Sets the Left Ear in the forward facing position. (Note, the ears will still randomly move and flick if those controls are on.)
LeftBack - Sets the Left Ear in the 'pinned' position.
RightForward - Sets the Right Ear in the forward facing position. (Note, the ears will still randomly move and flick if those controls are on.)
RightBack - Sets the Right Ear in the 'pinned' position.
EarMoveStart  - Allows the ears to swivel randomly while set in the "Forward" Position.
EarMoveStop - Turns off the ear movement.
EarMoveToggle - Toggles between the moving and nonmoving states.
TouchFlickOn  - Allows the ears to flick when someone else touches the avatar's ears. (Note: Owner can always touch flick)
TouchFlickOff - Turns off the ear flicking for others.
TouchFlickToggle - Toggles between the ear flicking off/on states.
EarTypeMoveOn  - Allows the ears to move into the forward position while typing.
EarTypeMoveOff - Turns off the type triggered ear movement.
EarTypeMoveToggle - Toggles between type triggered off/on states.

6. Tail Control
TailFlexi - Switches the tail to flexiprims.
TailSculpt - Switches the tail to sculpted prims.
TailToggle - Toggles between flexiprim and sculpted prims.
WagSlow - Slow tail wagging state.
WagMed - Midrange tail wagging state.
WagFast - Fast wagging state.
WagStop - Stops the tail wagging state.
WagSwish - Toggles the tail between a randomly occuring horizontal swish and no swish.
TailUp - Puts the tail in an 'up' position.
TailDown - Puts the tail in a lower/normal position.
TailTuck - Puts the tail in a low/tucked position. (Note: wagging states do not work in this position.)
FlickStart - Allows the tail to randomly flick.
FlickStop - Turns off the random flick.
Flick  - Makes the tail flick once on command.

7. Textures (For creating your own texture packs) - Need more clarification from the scripter.
TexCustom1Color  (sets custom slot 1 as colorable)
TexCustom1Real  (sets custom slot 1 as not colorable)

8. Colorizer
ColorAll <vector value> OR defined color (see below)
LeftEye <vector value> OR defined color (see below)
RightEye <vector value> OR defined color (see below)
BothEye <vector value> OR defined color (see below)
Body <vector value> OR defined color (see below)
Underside <vector value> OR defined color (see below)
Legs <vector value> OR defined color (see below)
Paws <vector value> OR defined color (see below)
Hair <vector value> OR defined color (see below)

ColorDefault (sets all color sections to defaults) Defaults are listed as follows:
Body: <.53,.22,.03>
Underside: <.19, .19, .19>
Legs: <.53,.22,.03>
Paws: <.19, .19, .19>
Hair <.42, .38, .31>

Pre-Defined Colors:
gray <.19, .19, .19>
auburn <.32, .18, .08>
skyblue <.62, .62, .85>
copper <.42, .27, .12>
red <.35, 0, 0>
green <0, .5, 0>
yellow <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>
golden <1.00000, 0.50196, 0.00000>
darkgray <.06, .06, .06>
blue <0, 0, .21>
lightgray <.5, .5, .5>
brown <.53,.22,.03>
black <0,0,0>
purple <0.19608, 0.00000, 0.36078>
white <1,1,1>

Combat System

 WereHouse Combat is a simple just for fun fighting system for WereHouse avatars. It also allows users to trigger the animations alone for potential use with 3rd party combat systems that use the left mouse button and movement keys for attacking.

There are three modes; WereHouse Combat, 3rd Party Combat, and Off.

In WereHouse Combat mode, the user can attack and hurt other compatible avatars also in WereHouse Combat mode. Hovertext will appear above your head showing you in combat and your health. When someone reaches 0 health they will drop on the ground and be unable to attack for a short while. To attack, hold down the left mouse button while not pointing at your avatar or a clickable object and tap the movement keys. If another avatar is in front of you within 2 meters they will be hit. If they are also in WereHouse combat mode, their health will drop. The system will tell you if you were the one to land the final blow. If someone else defeats you, the system will tell you who.

While in WereHouse combat mode, you will get a message when someone else enters or leaves combat within the sim. WereHouse combat also allows you to join a Pack, which prevents you from damaging other members of the pack. To join a pack, type '/53 PackName xxxx' without quotes, where 'xxxx' is the name of the pack. Anyone can join or leave a pack at any time, spelling must match but capitalization doesn't. Pack names will be shown in their hovertext for anyone that joins one. Everyone else in combat mode in the sim will get a message when you join or leave a pack. To leave a pack, type '/53 NoPack' without quotes, or enter a new pack name.

There are optional idle sounds that play occasionally while WereHouse combat is active. To toggle this, type '/53 IdleSound' without quotes.

In 3rd Party combat mode, attacks only trigger animations. This is for use with 3rd party combat systems that use the same control system to trigger attacking. The hovertext is optional in this mode, type '/53 3P Text' without quotes to toggle.

Combat Command Reference:

Menu: /53 WHC Menu

To change modes, type one of the following in chat:
/53 WH Combat
/53 3rdParty
/53 CombatOff

Pack Commands:
/53 PackName ______ - Enter the Pack name where the blank space would be. Example: /53 PackName The WereHouse
/53 NoPack - Leaves the Pack.

/53 Idlesound - Toggles the sound effects off and on.

Third Party Combat Mode (Allows you to use the attacking system with other combat scripting)
/53 3P Text - Toggles the WH Combat System hovertext off/on.


Adding New Texture Packs

The Werewolf avatar is designed with third party customization in mind. This means that third parties can create, sell, or give away their own texture sets for this Avatar.  The HUD only has two custom slots available, however, the Avatar comes with an Object called the Multipack, which can store several more Texture packs.  You can then use the Multipack to send these texture sets to the two custom buttons located on the HUD.

To Make a Texture Pack Available to your Werewolf and HUD:

1. Wear the entire werewolf avatar.

2. Type the following in the regular chat channel:
/53texsetupstart (This tells the avatar that a new set of textures are to be loaded.)

3. Click the third party texture set (Should be in an object that the third party made available).

4. Choose one of the two Custom Slots available on the HUD. (Custom1 or Custom2)

5. The new texture set should now be available on the HUD! (Using the SL editor, you could retexture the buttons on the HUD as well).

6. Type the following in the regular chat channel:

To Add a Texture Pack to the Multipack.  (The HUD only holds two custom texture packs, but the Multipack can actually store several more, so you can switch the ones available on the HUD and not lose any you've previously picked up!)

1. Click the Multipack. Select "Store" from the menu.  Another menu will pop up with several slots available. Select the slot to put the Texture pack.

2. Click the Third Party Texture set. Choose "Storage" on the menu.

To send a Texture Pack from the Multipack to the HUD:

1. Click the Multipack.  Select "Send" from the Menu.

2. Click the Slot that holds the specific texture pack you want available on the HUD.  Then click "Custom1" or "Custom2" on the menu. (Those are the two buttons that make the texture packs available on the HUD).

3. Now you can use that custom button to load that texture!

Making Texture Packs

First things first, you must pick up a Texture Dev Kit from our main store in Therianation. It is free. You will need this in order to make the special texture packs that work with the avatar's scripts and HUD. If you want to make your own textures just for people to buy and manually add them to the avatar, you don't have to bother with this.

Note: Please don't remove any scripts in any objects given in this dev kit.  If you want to make a custom Texture Pack Box, you can shrink the box we give you, or make it invisible. Then use it as the root prim of your box.  Removing the scripts will reset them and they will no longer work.

Step 1. Make the textures. I'm afraid we can't provide much help with this one, it's all up to you to make the textures for it.   Be sure to test them on the real avatar.

Note: Ears, Arms, Hands, Legs and Feet are mirrored. There is no left or right option for any of them. If you want to make custom sets that are not mirrored, you will have to sell the textures themselves and have customers apply them manually.

Step 2. Rez the WereHouse Retexture Dummy. (The entire Dummy is not linked, don't link them together).

Step 3. Put the Corresponding Textures on the prims on the Dummy. (For example, bicep texture needs to go on the bicep, nose texture needs to go on the nose, etc. You can put the same texture on more than one part. In other words, you don't have to make a texture for every part, however you can if you wish. But any parts with the same name (such as the hair prims) need the same texture throughout.).  You can use Transparent textures if you don't want certain parts to show at all.  ***Make sure that all sides of a dummy-prim are covered with the same texture.***

Step 4. Rez the Texture Pack Creator near the dummy.   Click the Texture Pack Creator and then select "Store" on the dropdown dialogue.

Step 5. Click each attachment object individually to send the texture information to the Texture Pack Creator. Please be sure to wait a second or two between parts just to make sure the Texture Pack Creator got the information (It should display it in chat text).

Step 6. Once all the attachments are accounted for, the scripts will close themselves and the texture pack is ready.  To name your texture pack, just type /53 NamePack namehere . 

Step 7. You can alter the permissions on the texture pack to be no-transfer if you don't want them to be given out as a freebie.



We will add information here as it becomes available.


We will add information here as it becomes available.


Main Builder and Texture Designer: Jakkal Dingo
Main Scripter: Kayla Stonecutter
Animations: Mark Karlfeldt and Jakkal Dingo
Testers: Wolfshaman Warrior


In World Help Staff: Wolfshaman Warrior and Tyger Skytower
Email Support: Jakkal at gmail dot com
Forum Support




Second Life® and the inSL™ logo are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc.  The WereHouse Avatars is owned and maintained by Jakkal Dingo. This site and it's contents are ©2005-2010 The WereHouse Avatars.